Our services

We work with organizations to deliver accessibility that reaches beyond compliance to create truly inclusive organizations for all. 

From strategy development to community consultation and accessible communications design, let our team of accessibility consultants enhance your capacity.

Accessibility plan development

We can guide you through development of your accessibility plan, from assessing your internal capacity to getting your internal team up to speed and delivering a plan that’s ready to publish.

Disability inclusion coaching

Progress towards a more accessible organization requires leadership and careful consideration of your organizational culture. We can be an extra set of ears and offer guidance as you develop your plan. 

Disability community engagement

Our team of consultants includes folks with consultation experience and lived experience of disability. We help with the development and delivery of accessibility committees, disability-focused Employee Resource Groups, and broader community consultations. We can support recruitment, facilitation, and knowledge translation. 

Accessibility feedback mechanism

Let us help you ensure that feedback you receive from community members or your employees doesn’t fall through the cracks. We can help you map your response flow, design your communication materials, and help you identify priority areas requiring action.

Accessibility awareness training

Attitudes and misconceptions can be some of the most challenging barriers to address. One of the most powerful ways to address these attitudes and misconceptions is by providing awareness training hosted by professionals with lived experience of disability and a deep knowledge of accessibility. Our team of consultants deliver awareness training for your internal teams to support a cultural shift to inclusion.

We welcome requests for customized trainings and are also happy to provide our following core course offerings. Please see our Training catalogue.